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We tried – IPS display revolution by LG

We tried – IPS display revolution by LG


End of last year we wrote in a display review, expectedly the Full LED displays will be the newness. It seems we was wrong but we do not regret it because we got better than Full LED from LG!

In my display reviews, in our reviews, we wrote a lot that monitors of nowadays based on TN panel technology. There are several reason for that. One of them is the cheap production and the other is its great response time. TFT panels one purpose was better response time because these displays could become alternative for gamers and movie lovers against CRT monitors.


We tried - IPS display revolution by LG 1

TN panels have a lot of bad attribute. First is the viewing angles. Manufacturers write 170° horizontal viewing angles to the specification but anyone who saw TFT –everybody– knows if we watch it from the edge than we do not see a lot.

We tried - IPS display revolution by LG 2

Next serious problem is color reproduction. As we wrote TN panel cannot show due number of color physically. Manufacturers crop software tricks and picture edifying procedures for better color transition. Some of them work fine some less. So we suggest to try a display beforce buy.


Trouble number three is the total miss of black. After W-LED’s spreading it is improved because LED can be switched off and on easily so black become balck because of the switching off at dark picture areas. Of course there are prejudice of LED switching if you are interesting please read last display reviews of the previous year!

After lot of negative let’s see LG’s new display (and its panel)!






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