After test applications, let’s see some games!
There is — now as old one — Crysis, performed a lot so we will not detail that. It always liked green cards until Fermis. Fresh Radeons was in benefit compare to GTX 2yy cards. But now everting went in old way so NVIDIA models dominate the field. Every GeForce win its battle in its cathegory, GTX 480 only lose by two HD 5870 at CrossFireX.
“If we have Crysis, we have Far Cry 2 too.” — said the old wizzard. Dunia engine is not modern too, but it can labour cards in “single” mode. If we see results, we will not think a lot, there is serious GeForce hegemony. Matrix 5870 lose by GTX 465 too, even it is very stunning. We do not have to judge, it is only one game but it is a fact, Radeons on a really big drawback.
Last game of the page is an old one too, but we tried the most fresh version of it. Results are connecting to previous tests, GeForce won everything.