Probably I will not tell you a secret with that fact I took a liking to this little machine under time of testing. I connected my Bluetooth Microsoft Keyboard and antenna of mouse, setted internet and it worked unawars from that moment.

Shuttle XS3510MA: dream come true 1Hard to admit that’s usage is more comfortable than desktop PCs. Looks fine beside Plasma TV and because of the fully passive cooling we should not observe to leave open fans’ air way. We do not have to mention that it is not use lot of energy. 

I used NAS, tried router with torrent function, but I got it now HTPC can handle this and more function either. It works 24/7 so I connected a weather station and I could watch with it every time, everywhere how is the weather at home. Of course thats are silly, special things from me, the main ability is multimedia, movies and music, and it is an extensive fit for that. There is enough USB ports so if I would connect an USB TV-Tuner and the machine knows everything.

When all is said this computer is a dream for technology lovers like us. I should use its ability in 1000 ways, like I said this is my machine of my dream. XS35GT available at home around 75 000 HUF without OS –which equal with our test device.


Everyone have to device in their own that is much or a good price. I think decisions took by purses because there is no question about this nettop is perfectly fitting for it has been made by Shuttle. Furthermore, every forints worth it!

Shuttle XS3510MA: dream come true 2

I have to mention anomaly while we played Full HD stuffs. As you can read, problem was not with the hardware, but if somebody buy this device should change their old player softwares or wait for new version and there will no problem with playing 1080p videos.

Let’s rate it!

+ small
+ no noise
+ minimálal power use
+ even playing FullHD stuffs lejátszása
+ n-es WIFI
+ sufficient storage size
+ Ion 2!

– no digital sound output
– 100 megabit Ethernet
– can not use external antenna for WIFI

Shuttle XS3510MA: dream come true 3

Shuttle XS3510MA

The test device gave by Shuttle. We would like to thank, every minute with your nettop was a pleasure. Hope, we will not have badder task.

Written by Zoltán Tárnok (s3nki) and Gábor Szűcs (GrungeMan)