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BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version)

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version)

We bloooow a big one when getting to the finisher page. This test absorbed rather much from us, practically we measured six variations, what would not so much, if everything is going on properly, but HD 5870 Crossfire difficulties were not missing, we would have been without it. Nevermind we got acclimatized that everything may not go smoothly, we are over on it and we hope our work was not time wasting, and we were able to provide an interesting reading from the category about many people may dream only unfortunately. One of the cards cannot be called a mass product, especially the dual GPU developments, so we will not give purchase council, but we measure a tiny one up.

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 1

Radeon HD 5850 CrossfireX

Let’s analyse HD 5850 first, because it is the cheapest item of the test, available from 62 000 HUF, and I uncovered that the GTX 285 usually more expensive, where it still available. We do not advise GeForce against HD 5850 (except we need PhysX) because it can beat the Radeon only several times, and just in old applications, what are going out the market. HD 5850 is faster, cleverer and using less power (we do not think there is a difference between the noise levels), and it is cheaper, so it is an unequivocal choice if you have 60-70 tousands HUF for graphics card.

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 2

ASUS Matrix GTX 285

HD 5870 starts at 90 000 HUF, so it is more expensive than HD 5850 almost 50%, but it is not faster so much, I am not sure about that can be worthy in real perspective. But that is a fact, there is a lot of reserve in this card, and this is the fastest single GPU card in the market. However we must be pay for that, and in a lot of case somebody has 60 000 HUF, may has 90 000 HUF too. Whatever the Radeon HD 5870 not better with so much than HD 5850, but costs more. We notice it for the mood, the currently fastest single GPU GeForce has no chance against it, but we knew this already, the question it, what Fermi can present.

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 3

Radeon HD 5970

The emphasized item of our test was HD 5970, which showed a convincing performance, disregarding some exceptions faster than if we are knitting together two HD 5850 – which called HD 5850 CF. Because of this it is a more beneficial choice, if we observe the purchase price scrupolously. In the other hand HD 5970 is around 155 000 HUF, while two HD 5850s are out of circa 125-130 thousand forints, if we are sparing, we can catch a couple of tenners on the case. Of course onto Radeon HD 5970’s account can be written benefits like two GPUs are on one printed circuit, take up less space, heats on a smaller surface, uses more power on the other hand. The edge with two cards in case (if we do not mention HD 5970 CF) is two HD 5870, this built up Crossfire system is clearly faster than HD 5970, but this is not surprising if we look at the specifications, and it appears in the price of course, we have to leave roughly 180 000 forints in the shop, if we want to bring home a two pieces HD 5870.

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 4

Radeon HD 5870 CrossfireX

But as we said it already, that I am not sure about the potential customers become excited because of some thousand forints of saving, and they aim for the maximum performance, so we do not want to provide a serious purchase council, we just shared our thoughts, we let everybody act though their own purse and discernment! We can say the same for the future (especially in deficiency of new GeForce), top category Radeon cards are strong, they are using power well and there is not a stranger problem with their noise level. But everybody has to pay it firmly who would like to choose from the 5800 series. Radeon HD 5850 offers right alternative on a similar price than the rival GeForce, because of this recommended, the others in the deficiency of the high price and enemy: liked!

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 5 BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX (english version) 6

ASUS Radeon HD 5850 ASUS Radeon HD 5970
ASUS Radeon HD 5870 CF
ASUS Radeon HD 5850 CF

BIG BANG: HD 5970, HD 5870 CrossFireX, HD 5850 CrossFireX: Forum Topic (hungarian)

Written by Gábor Szűcs and Gábor Pintér